The recent frictions will hinder the prospective union between the two firms.
発展の障害になる物: hindrance to development 避難の際の障害になる: obstruct evacuation attempts 彼は将来偉業を成し遂げるだろうと思う。: I believe he will achieve a great thing in the future. 人と物の流れの障害になる: become an obstacle to the flow of people and products 新政権の船出の障害になる: get [stand] in the way of new government 障害になる 1: 1. be an obstacle 2. get [stand] in the way 障害になる 2 get [stand] in the way of〔~の〕 政権は連立になるだろう: The government will be in coalition. 彼は将来の大統領になる人物を酷評した。: He ripped the man who would become president. 将来、バイオテクノロジーによって人体改良が可能になるだろう: In the future, biotechnology will allow us to improve our bodies. バネッサは将来どんどん成功するだろうと、私たちは確信している: We are sure Vanessa will go places far and wide in the future. それほど~の障害にならない: be less of an obstacle to 30歳になるまでには、彼は収入が2倍になっているだろう。: By the time he's thirty years of age he will be earning twice as much as he does now. 消化障害になる: suffer from digestive trouble 現場で障害になる: become a liability in the field 精神障害になる: suffer mental disorder